WIP Thursday – Calendar Round Up

Over the festive break we ran our calendar and a lot of amazing products were revealed. Aren’t we so nice to you?

Welcome to Work In Progress… Thursday? This week we don’t have a full WIP Wed, but instead we’re going to be having a quick round up of some of the brand new things we showed off in the advent calendar – in case you missed it!


There is so much to look forward to in Carnevale this year and of course everyone is longing for, Blood on the Water. Well we are happy to say to all of you it’s nearly time to gather your forces and dominate Venice. With new models, rules and scenarios; it’s the stuff of dreams for lovers of narrative skirmish games.

New miniatures you ask? Oh we’ve had some of our team’s finest creations unleashed during the calender and while I’m sure you didn’t miss them, its best to go back and  further hype them up. Soooo we still can’t reveal their names but can we all agree that these just look awesome! Now seriously whose Strigoi collection is lacking a blood sucking half woman half bat? Even better whose doctors gang could us a psychopathic new face!

BOATS! Now we didn’t want to get into an argument between whether it’s a ship or boat so our fantastic designers decided to make both! More watercraft are sailing their way into the world of Carnevale and will definitely add a lot of gameplay options to be explored and exploited. With a vessel for almost every faction, we can’t wait to see how you assemble and these MDF kits for your tabletops.


Following their reveals and now making their way to a RUMBLESLAM ring near you we have TWO new teams to sink your fangs into! Now let’s start off with the first reveal we had, One Thousand and One Fights. Before you ask, this feline team’s stats aren’t ready just yet but soon! But until then we’ll just let you imagine how you’re gonna dominate the turnbuckle with these new miniatures.

Maybe cats aren’t your thing? Perhaps you’ve decided a more cunning route is your best option to in ring glory, or you’ve decided that the best cause of action is to release the pestilence! This new Feral Den team will be delivering a great addition to vermin lovers and we can’t wait to see some awesome matches against some certain cats. Again, we haven’t revealed their stats yet – I know it’s just so unfair! But more details will follow soon.

Dropfleet Commander

We’ve kept Dave busy this year with some new Dropfleet Commander Space Stations and Ships being revealed. PHR and Shaltari are getting new stations which haven’t even been 3D printed yet but we just had to show them off! The PHR station embodies the already available ships with sleek hulls and plenty of guns!

Now we’re gonna scale it back just a little bit and highlight the brand new Cutters arriving in Dropfleet Commander. Each faction will have access to these fast and fragile ships which will be offering new offensive and support options to your fleet! Both of these new assets will be great to use in the returning original scenarios which players can download now.

Dropzone Comander

BEHEMOTHS! Yes these monstrous gods of destruction have taken one step closer to release with the reveal of the UCM’s America and Russia variants. We took the calender opportunity to highlight the 3D printing process and give a rare insight to how much work goes into these giants. Now before we get bombarded with emails and phone calls, we can’t reveal anymore details at this time. Why? Because we’re just that cruel.

Fear not if giant tools of death aren’t to your taste. We have laboured away to create a new range of ‘Battlegroup boxes, one for each faction! Starting with an Armour Battlegroup, these sets will includes at least 1 new unit and will be a great addition to new and returning players. You’ll be able to get your hands on these new box sets soon.

Hobby Accessories

We are always looking for ways to offer new and better products and with this in mind we’re looking into launching our own paint range! Our talented residential painter has been working closely with a leading manufacturer regarding  our range which we hope to be able to share more details about soon! This range will be available as dropper bottles with a goal of 60 different colours.

Tabletop Scenics

We take huge pride in our MDF kits and are always looking to expand upon our initial ideas and with this in mind we revealed our answer to the housing crisis! Our clever designers have taken the existing container kits and created these show homes for the dystopian future. These kits will have numerous stacking options and will include homes, restaurants and of course shops.

As you can see we have LOADS of new releases coming out shortly so ensure that you keep an eye out for updates via TTCommunity. Also in the meantime we still have tons of available products on the TTCombat store.

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