It wouldn’t be an Advent Calendar without at least 1 new Dropfleet Commander reveal.
Dropfleet Commander 1.5 Special
The year is 2673 and 160 years ago, humanity was evicted from their home following the Scourge conquest. This is a story Drop-Universe fans know and today the war continues.
WIP Wednesday – New Ships spotted on the horizon!
The deeper you travel into space the more likely you will see something new. Putting this information into Dropfleet terms, the deeper you travel into space, the more likely you’ll be blown up!
Continue reading “WIP Wednesday – New Ships spotted on the horizon!”
Shaltari Behemoth & More Has Arrived!
Some brand new resin releases are arriving in the TTCombat store today! The ancient alien race known as the Shaltari has found itself outgunned in recent skirmishes but no longer!
Monday Motivation – DFC Dreadnought
Lets get this week of the ground with a bang! How big of a bang? How about a Dreadnought sized bang.
New Release Stacking and Zooming!
Strap yourselves in as we’re jetting off into deep space with some new releases this Friday!
Monday Motivation – Spiked Resistance!
Its Monday so we here at TTCombat thought that the best way to start this week would be with Dropfleet Commander. The Resistance must be resourceful in their fight against the Scourge oppressors but Alexandra Tornabene went with a new tactic, Fear.
TTBromley Thursday – Let’s build a Dreadnought!
Warning, this article contains large amounts of resin.
Continue reading “TTBromley Thursday – Let’s build a Dreadnought!”
Dropfleet – New Release Friday ft. Sprays
Nought the Dreads your opponents are looking forward to going against. Plus some new colours added to our range of Spray Paints in this week’s New Releases Friday! Continue reading “Dropfleet – New Release Friday ft. Sprays”
Resistance Dreadnought: How to Build?
The new Resistance Coloniser Dreadnought is coming to pre-order today! But how to build it?