Recently a familiar face in the Drop-Universe community stopped by Table Flip in Hastings for a Dropzone Demo Day. Continue reading “Dropzone Commander Demo Day”
Monday Motivation – Gothic Ruined Terrain
Far off in the dystopian future, galactic battles are raged over religion, territory, and resources. Those who haven’t been killed can hunker down in this week’s amazing terrain.
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Custom Forest Soul RUMBLESLAM Ring!
The Forest Soul is home to a variety of unique miniatures and splendorous nature. In fact, the rich environment surrounding the Casino has infected the ring.
Monday Motivation – Vibrant Rashaar and Unique Bases!
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the Rashaar would be dark and washed out in tone since they live in Canals but this would be a mistake! Bright and vibrant, these fish-folk are looking for a fight!
Continue reading “Monday Motivation – Vibrant Rashaar and Unique Bases!”
Monday Motivation – LGT Painted Terrain
The Municipium sector used to provide ample housing for citizens and then the London Grand Tournament needed terrain. Now it’s home to ghosts and constant fighting.
Halloween Work Painting Contest!
It’s time to unbolt the doors and put the Ouija back into the cupboard as Halloween has passed for another year. Luckily we ran a little staff painting contest to let our demons out!
Deadly Divas have had a 1980’s makeover!
Being a top performer in RUMBLESLAM takes a whole lot of dedication and physical exercise so the Deadly Divas are keeping in shape 80’s style.
Monday Motivation – The Gifted miniatures by a gifted painter
Flying, Jumping, and generally getting around Venice in the most unique ways possible, the Gifted do like to draw attention to themselves.
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Delve into the Hive and fight with the Gifted
The Industrial Hive is full of inbred mutations, cannibalistic gangs, and now some Carnevale Gifted miniatures!
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Wastleland ORC Party!
The Wastleland ORC Party is taking the world of RUMBLESLAM by storm! The Rolling Bones have welcomed a new trio in today’s Monday Motivation.