Custom Forest Soul RUMBLESLAM Ring!

The Forest Soul is home to a variety of unique miniatures and splendorous nature. In fact, the rich environment surrounding the Casino has infected the ring.

Welcome to this week’s Monday Motivation and to kick the week off we’ve got a pretty interesting RUMBLESLAM ring to look at. The Forest Soul has a strong identity in this wrestling world and thanks to its combatants it’s a popular place to be. Due to the hard work of Will Vondoome we have an awesome custom ring to show off today.

Forest Soul Ring

This is a ring fit for the unique Wrestlers that you’ll find at the Forest Soul. Painted in a green to match the Casinos colour tone, Will has done a great job turning the standard RUMBLESLAM ring into a thing of beauty. We love the idea of replacing the ring ropes with leaves and vines whilst the centre canvas looks amazing with the Casinos logo central. I can only guess Will used a TTCombat Casino Stencil or is an incredible MDF painter but i’ll let the community decide that.

Besides this fantastic looking RUMBLESLAM ring, Will added his nicely painted miniatures to this weeks article. As a fan of Kaisers Palace and its noble dwarves like Sonja Proudbeard, it pains me to see Trihorn and the Cold Bloods looking so majestic. Clearly not just an MDF painter, Will has done a great job with this crew. Hopefully we’ll see more of Will’s painting in the future.

Thanks for sharing your work with us Will!

That’s it for this week’s Monday Motivation. If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, then send us some photos to

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