Advent Calendar 06

It’s the return of the TTCombat Advent Calendar!  This is the time of year where we give you all a sneak peek at what’s to come and even some digital freebies! Lets kick this years Advent Calendar off with Carnevale!

Welcome to TTCombat Advent Calendar week one featuring Carnvale! Before we get into we will start with the last days for shipping.


Now back to the Advent Calendar and let’s start by finding out what’s behind door number one.

Thats right, it’s The Flame that Burns Underwater! You may have seen the WiP Wednesday post we did a while back showing her up to the stage of having her in unassembled resin. Well, today we’re going to give you a look at her final form!


This is The Flame that Burns Underwater in all her glory!  This miniature has come a long way and we are finally in a place where we are really happy with her. Merged with her once trusty steed, she now looks like she’s ready to command an army and take over Venice!

This is all we have to show you for today… or is it? I guess I can show you something extra. For all the Patrician players out there, I present…


The Night Watch are making their way into Venice to assist The Patricians! This group consists of two Sentries, a Marksman, Seven Year Veteran and the fearless Venetian Heavy Guard. This group look ready to fight anything that comes their way with no problems.

We will have more information regarding rules and more for both The Flame and The Night Watch as we get closer to their release. It’s worth noting that these are the first new releases coming to Carnevale in the New Year. We’re looking forward to getting these to your boards and even more excited to see what you all do with them!

That’s everything for the first entry in the TTCombat Advent Calendar. We will be back with more Carnevale on Monday 13th. Check out the TTCombat webstore for some great gift ideas or even your next hobby project. Also remember to send photos of your painted TTCombat miniatures and Scenery to, we may even feature it on a Monday Motivation post!

Have a great week everyone!

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