UK Games Expo: The Aftermath

That’s a dramatic sounding title, isn’t it?

This last weekend some of our team took a trip up to Birmingham to visit UK Games Expo. It was our first show in about 18 months, and was a weird experience!

The show required vaccine passports or lateral flow tests for entry, and masks at all times in the arena. The number of guests was limited too, which – all added together – made a great, safe show. Our thanks to the whole team for organising it during a difficult time, to all the guests for adhering to the guidelines, and to our amazing staff and TTAgent volunteers for putting themselves on the front line in order to play games, sell models, and talk hobby for the first time in over a year.

Exclusive Models

Of course, we know what you’re here for: you want to know what we took.

Well, other than the incredibly popular new exclusive miniatures like the Queens of the Adriatic and the Lima Alexander Walker (both of which were almost entirely sold out by the end of the show), we didn’t take any pre-releases this year.

With a small show we kept it low-key so if you didn’t feel safe enough attending you wouldn’t be missing out. With all exclusives available on the webstore for the whole show, you could safely reinforce your Dropzone armies from the comfort of your chair/bed/hammock.

The good news is that if you missed the exclusive models this time round, they’ll be available again! Our 2021 miniatures are available all year (and we may extend that a little longer all things considered), but all of the new releases from last week are permanent additions to our exclusive line up.

Next Shows

You won’t even have long to wait: the next show they’ll be up for is Gencon on September 16th. While we’re not attending in person, we’ll still be celebrating with all these lovely models on the webstore during the show.

After that we’ll have them available again for the London Grand Tournament on 24th September. Again, we won’t be there in person – we’ve made the decision to not host tournaments this year since it involves a lot of work from the community and tournament organisers to do in person. Here’s hoping for next year!

That said, we will be attending the London Grand Tournament via proxy: our terrain! We are again partnering with the LGT to provide an updated tournament set with brand new pieces. We’ll have more about those very soon (spoilers: they’re coming next week).

Finally we’ll have one more show we’re attending in person this year which is Salute on 13th November. We’ll be there with new stuff and all the exclusives will be online then as well!

What Did We Take?!

Okay, we know why you’re really here. You want to see some juicy previews. Well we took a few! I won’t make you wait any longer.

Dropzone Commander

Dropzone Commander players got to see the Scourge Behemoth in person for the very first time, and it really is a chonky beast!

This massive model is the first 3D print version we made. While it has been through a couple of edits since (including changes to make it easier for printing, casting, and assembling), it’s a pretty good indication of this… well it really is a behemoth!


RUMBLESLAM players got to see a whole new team! Coming very soon, this set is an expansion pack for the Cold Bloods. They’re called the Triassic 5 and they run the gamut from adorable to (almost) terrifying.

The set of five has a Gekko Firebreather (who we’ve seen before), a Pterodacrobat (the flying one), an Axolotl Cutie (soooo cute, but soooo punchable), Stubby Dunker (the one with the stubby dunkers), and finally the queen of the Cold Bloods, the T-Flex. She may have skipped arm day.

Dropfleet Commander

Dropfleet Commander players got a whole lot to look at! We took our brand new Space Station kits, both fully painted and otherwise. To see what you can do with the new sets we made a couple of crazy constructions. The round one has been dubbed the Bagel of Doom, and the other one is the Infinity Doughnut. It just goes to show what you can do with these new modular sets. Oh and I’m sure we’ll have more to show off in the future too!

The 2-Up Remnant Centurion was also on show. And it’s incredibly massive! Another exclusive, this one is available at all the shows as well.

Oh and Dropfleet players also got something even more special! They got a whole shelf of the cabinet, so we had to fill it.

One of the biggest surprises of the show was that we unveiled the Resistance Dreadnought. The last ship the Resistance need to catch up with the other factions. They said it couldn’t be done, and Dave said “NO! I love making massive, complicated ships!”

The two ships above are both Resistance Dreadnoughts! They come in multiple sizes. And both ships above are also made from the same pieces. That’s right: it’s a fully modular spaceship. We worked out how many variants you can make from the Resistance Cruiser sprue (it’s over 10 billion), but there’s no way we can do the math on this set. Each piece comes separately and you can combine them in almost infinite ways to make your Dreadnought how you want it. It’s still a little way off yet, but we thought you’d enjoy having a sneaky peek!


And finally we have a lot of new Carnevale miniatures!

All of these new characters feature in the upcoming expansion book Blood on the Water. It’s the first time we’ve shown any of these miniatures, and we’re super excited for them! There’s some really weird stuff coming to Venice, and this is just the first lot of them.

Blood on the Water will introduce new characters, sub-factions, parts of the city, and have loads of new rules to boot! Some of these miniatures might not be out for a while, but you can see there’s plenty more to come to the jewel of the Adriatic. We’re not going to go into detail of all of these characters now – we’d like to keep something a surprise for the book!


That’s all for our roundup! We hope everyone who saw us on the weekend enjoyed themselves, and those who missed out aren’t getting too much FOMO after seeing all these goodies.

If all this new stuff is whetting your appetite, make sure to head over to the TTCombat webstore to check out our full range of goodies.

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