Dropfleet Commander Community Competition!

Calling all Dropfleet Commander players, we have news regarding a competition for you!

You heard that right, we have been told there is a competition going, this involves the Space Stations and is run by the Dropfleet Commander Community on Facebook. If you’re not a member click the link and become one today! Once you’re a member, there is a pinned post by one of the Admins, Michel. This will tell you everything you need to know about entering and how they pick a winner.

“To enter:
Post a photo on this thread of the components that you intend to use and please make sure that the kits are either basecoated or unpainted.

You must enter by the 16th of September. (Don’t post a photo on this post, please join the Dropfleet Commander Community and post it there.) Deadline to post your finished space station is the 16th of October and DM me (Michel) the photos of your finished station.

Determining the winner? Well through voting on the Group pages of course! The admin team will make a top 30 (max number of in a poll) or do multiple polls if need be! Poll(s) will be open for up to 2 weeks after the deadline to VOTE. That’s the 30th of October.
(Admins will use a scoresheet giving points between 1 – 5, for each or we’ll let Dave pick the top 30)

PS. Check out and enter the Dropzone competition that is currently running! (You can’t win both competitions)”

That’s pretty much it… what? Prizes? The Dropfleet Commander Community have arranged prizes for the competition too. But before we get into that, let’s give everyone a look at some of the biggest space stations we’ve built.

We have two of these, both built by Lewis to show off at the UK Games Expo over the last weekend. These are pretty big and are both heavily armed, starting with the Bagel of Doom. This wheel of destruction has all angles covered so getting close to it may be difficult.

And also we have the Infinity Donut, which came after Lewis had built the Bagel and wondered if he could go bigger. With so many guns this thing is a weapon of mass destruction.

Both of these were built using parts from the Modular Space Station Kit and the Defence Grid Space Station. You don’t need to build something as complicated as these but hopefully they give you an idea of what you can build. We are really excited to see what everyone comes up with and best of luck to all of you who enter!

These are the Space Stations we have available:
Scourge Space Stations
Modular Space Stations
Astrobotanical Lab Space Station
Defence Grid Space Station

As for prizes, lets see what the Community has set aside for you! The top 3 are getting a  voucher for the TTCombat Webstore, the top 2 are also getting a Vallejo Shifter Paint Set. Every entry will also be entered into a raffle for a Vallejo Shifter Paint Set too, so everyone can be a winner!

We have plenty of Space Stations available all of these are compatible with each other! Hopefully this will get those creative juices flowing and we look forward to seeing what everyone builds. If you need to get your Space Stations or anything else from us, head over to our webstore and see if your next project is waiting for you.

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