WIP Water Wed

We’re going south (like, WAY south) of the border for this week’s WIP!

Every Wednesday we take a trip around the office (or more accurately at the moment, the digital office) of the TTCombat design department to see what’s being worked on and what’s coming out in the future!

This week Fin was kind enough to share what he’s been working on today. It’s RUMBLESLAM!

We’ve seen some of the new wrestlers heading to the ring from Moote Carlo casino already. Heck, several of them are already out (with more on the way VERY soon)!

And today Fin has been painting a new Superstar to join them. You may remember seeing this lady before actually!

And I can finally introduce her: Belleza Agua! Lady of the Lake, the Drowned Woman, she goes by lots of names!

That was an early WIP from Fin, but he came back later in the day with – as he puts it – more booty.

She’s still got a little way to go, but I think you’ll all agree that so far she looks stunning! It really looks like that shawl is completely see-through!

We’re going to save the big turn-around reveal for when she’s released, so keep your eye right here for more info when we have it.

Until then, don’t forget that the newest Superstar, Traffic James, is in the webstore for one more week! A pre-launch 2021 exclusive, he’s there along with the usual exclusives like the Carnevale cross-over team the Masked Mayhem. They’ll be there until Monday, so act fast!

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