Return of the Modular Venetian buildings! Continue reading “New Releases – Modular Venice 3”
Dropzone Commander New Units Rules & Tactics
With this weeks restocks were two new units for Dropzone Commander. The UCM Claymore and the Shaltari Khopesh. Let’s take a look at their stats and see how to use them.
Continue reading “Dropzone Commander New Units Rules & Tactics”
Dropzone Commander Restocks!
Our resin team have been hard at work making new moulds for all the Dropzone Commander range, and making moulds for some alternate weapon options for existing units too.
WiP Wednesday! DZC Restocks
Today we have a look at what Fin has on his painting desk!
Monday Motivation – A Hobby Hero.
This weeks Monday Motivation was sent in by Darren Young. He has started running some demos of Dropzone Commander in his local store and built an amazing board to do the demos on.
Monday Dropzone Motivation
London Grand Tournament Round Up
We were delighted to be invited to the London Grand Tournament to run some of our own game tournaments and also to see our terrain used for the main 40K event.
Dropzone Commander FAQ & Errata
It’s finally time to give you the Errata and FAQ for the Dropzone Commander part of Battle for Earth.
Dropzone Commander V2.1 Unit Balance Changes September 2019
It’s September, 3 months after the units were locked down for Dropzone Commander so it’s time for a balance refresh.
Continue reading “Dropzone Commander V2.1 Unit Balance Changes September 2019”