Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 14

Halflings Jousting! Don’t really need to say much more than that.

Halflings are pretty amazing little folk, besides drinking, eating, fighting, and Wrestling, they’re also heavily invested in Jousting. Since being shown off to the attendees of UKGE 2022, our team has been working on Halftilt as we progress towards a release. We’ve managed to get the main rules of the game nailed down and have been play-testing constantly. In its current iteration, the game starts with lords selecting their 5 knights who will represent them in the tournament.

Now, each knight is unique and has stats which will reflect this. Some knights are more skilled than others and some knights really have no business mounting as horse as there more likely to hurt themselves instead of their opponent. Riding down the tilt, your objective is to dismount your opponent and eliminate them from the event.

Sir Pigismund

Previously on TTCommunity we revealed the newly painted Frederik of the Chalice whose vibrant Green Armour was very distinctive. This time, we’d like to introduce the latest challenger hoping to be named tournament Champion. Sir Pigismund is a deviant swine who claims lineage back to the great Halfling King Harald Pigismund (whose wife actually did all the real work whilst he got fatter!) Its unclear if this is true as its rumoured Sir Pigismund is actually the low born sun of a pig farmer who stole his armour and horse.

Still very much in active development, we’ll have more information regarding Knights, Tilts, Horses and Halflings closer to a release date.

That’s it for today! If your running an event or a store that stocks TTCombat products, make sure you reach out and we’ll feature you on our Social Media Channels. 

Finally, If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to



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