WIP Wednesday City Streets

TRAGEDY! When the bombs fall and suburbia is reduced to rubble its TRAGEDY!

Welcome to WIP Wednesday beautiful people. Thanks for joining us again to see what, where, when and how we do. This weeks feature is, drum roll please………. Ruined City Streets! We have a few things in the works so with out further adieu, lets get right into the thick of it.

Sanctuary Junction (Post-war)

First up we have one of our sweet Suburbans, post war ofcours. Which war? Any war! We have taken the original Sanctuary Junction and torn it down to its bare bones. It still provides loads of cover and line of sight blocking. It has also been designed specifically to be separable, allowing you to stretch your scenery just a bit more.

Derelict Suburbia

Sticking with suburbia, we have another derelict suburban. War torn and collapsed, this little suburban has seen better days. As a hiding spot though, absolutely perfect. Vantage point? Yes please. The roof, while slightly lower then before, is still a great look out spot and easily accessible.

Multi Storey Car Park

Taking a short trip down town, we have the Ruined Multi Storey Car Park. Ripped down with severe damage, the Ruined Multi Story Car Park will bring a great look and a whole new dynamic to your table top. Loads of cover, vantage points and with its size, its sure to steal the show.

Each of these sets is still under construction and are not stand alone kits. We also have bricks and planks on the TTCombat webstore so you can flesh these kits out a bit more with some damaged debris. If thats your cup-o-tea that is.

Until next week, stay safe out there. the table top is  dangerous place to be if you are under equipped.

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