Monday Motivation – PHR Fleet

This weeks Monday Motivation is courtesy of Stefan Mclay and his vibrant PHR fleet flying high over the planet.

The PHR field some of the most advanced technology in Dropfleet Commander since turning their back on mankind and they do it in style. Stefan has taken a small diversion from the traditional PHR colour scheme and opted for what we’ll call ‘racing stripes’. As a nation of elites, only the best is acceptable, which Stefan has delivered.

The vibrant orange is fantastic as it adds the little hint of colour to a normally universal looking fleet. In particular I like the paint work of the Romulus Dreadnought which has the theme applied both top and bottom. Another nice looking feature is the smaller PHR Corvettes – Echo Class were, Stefan has painted the colour scheme reversed with the majority of the hull orange.

Its great to see such a large fleet assembled and for me the highlight is Stefan’s Minos. I love how the two tone theme has been applied in addition to the contrasting blues visible from the Gravity Nullifiers.

Thanks for sharing this with us Stefan! If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup, make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, please send us some photos to

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