Welcome to TTBromley Thursday

Welcome to ‘TTBromley Thursday’; it has been a little quiet, but we’re about to make a whole lot more noise!

For those uninitiated, Troll Trader Bromley is our retail store located in, you guessed it, Bromley. Recently the TTBromley crew have been changing gears and revving up for a new era in the store. 

TTBromley Thursday

Before we get ahead of ourselves, ‘TTBromley Thursday’ is now a weekly fixture on our community page. In terms of what manner of content you can expect, well, it is a bit of a variety show! You can look forward to army and gang showcasing, hobby and painting tutorials, event coverage, store project updates and even fiction and lore!


Did we say event coverage? We did indeed! TTBromley is running its own website where you can find our calendar which is quickly filling up with all manner of interesting activities, events and tournaments. Feel free to skip on over and have a peek; ttbromley.com

Gaming Venue

To be ready for all these events and tournaments the crew is working hard on reshuffling the store and getting our gaming venue up and running. A big part of that process involves a lot of MDF terrain kits being built and painted for our costumers to enjoy. So far we are making solid progress and we willl be having a closer look at some of our gaming tables and how we’ve created them in the future.

The gaming area itself is large enough to seat up to 44 people(!) enjoying games such as Rumbleslam. Alternatively, we join tables together into 8 fully fledged 4’ x 6’ battlefields when playing larger games. For example, Carnevale or Dropzone Commander. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little look into the TTBromley world. Next week we’re building a dreadnought. Which one? It’s newly released and very modular, hop over to our online store and see if you can figure out which one it is. See you next week!

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