Blood on the Water Work in Progress


Blooood on the water and fire in the sky.  Be a little bolder, defy the tarot card holder.

Benvegnù you lovely people to another Work in Progress Wednesday and wow, do we have something ever so tasty today. We have been working on our expansion to Carnevale for some time now and we are fast approaching a climax. All shall be revealed in due course but for today, we’d like to show you some new cards we have been working on.

Blood on the water cards

Some of Rei’s early sketches for the backings for the cards. A few different designs along a central theme here.

After some feedback we settled on this design, with a goblet in the middle and tentacles underneath. What’s it for? Who knows!

After that it’s time to add some colour. With cards it’s important to get the right feel for each deck. You should know at a glance which deck you’re looking at, and a strong colour theme is the way to do it.

And here is the (almost) final product. Gaze upon its’s beauty! GAZE!

This new deck of cards is coming with Blood on the Water, bringing some brand new mechanics into the game. But while there will only be a single deck to buy, that deck is actually split into several different types of cards. Three to be exact! So to join that goblet there are a couple of others. We couldn’t possibly spoil what they are today, but we’d like to welcome your guesses and wishlisting!

If you are a fan of Carnevale and the Streets of Venice  then you should keep an eye on our webstore for when these are scheduled for release. Hint it will be this year. Whoop whoop.

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