WIP Wed Take 1… ACTION!

We’re on set today as we look at a teeny tiny WIP of something happening in the TTCombat offices…

Just a quick little WIP Wednesday this week. Often we showcase some scenery or art or a model or two that are being worked on. But today we’re looking at something going on in the warehouse. It’s only very early stages at the moment, but it’s something super exciting for us!

Jay has been busy kitting out one of the rooms in the TTCombat offices with all sorts of stuff.

We’re gearing up to make some livestreams!

Jay’s new office is lined with sound proofing and decked out with a fancy new desk and fancy new chair so that he can do some live painting.

It’s still early days as we’re setting up this new venture, so we don’t have any more information than this at the moment. We’ll hopefully be starting up soon, covering a range of things on the channel, with some quite gargantuan models on the near horizon I’m told.

We’ll be starting off small, and when we have more information we’ll make sure to let everyone know all the details!

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