New Release Compound Party!

New Dropzone Commander MDF kits are here and ready to be placed on your boards!
As you all probably saw on Teaser Tuesday this week we showed you the first three of this weeks Dropzone Commander MDF kits. Well, they’re out now and we’re going to give you a quick look at them all.

Sci-Fi X Dropzone Compound

New SFX Scenery available today, you can use this for any game you like but with Dropzone we have rules for each kit.

First up we have three buildings making up the Compound Alenko.

This kit is an ideal piece for any Dropzone board with three separate buildings that are connected by walkways. In the rules we have written this counts as a single building but we’d advise staying off the walkways, unless of course you want to get shot.

The Compound Alenko is available now for only £10!

Second we have the processing plant and silos of Compound Benezia.

The Compound Benezia is linked together with a single raised walkway offering somewhere to hide if the enemy comes knocking at your door. Whats in the silos? Only one way to find out!

The Compound Benezia, now in store at just £10

Next its the Compound Chakwas.

This piece is a decently sized structure that you probably want to be very careful when using it for cover. This kit is something else, when on the board its pretty impressive and definitely stands out.

Just £12 for this kit.

Then we have the Compound Drack.

Containing three Barracks and a Command Centre there is enough scenery here to set up a decently sized military base on the board. Ideal for hiding in and getting the jump on any unaware jellies.

Only £12 for all of this!

Lastly is the Compound Eve.

This manufacturing plant comes with two buildings. First is the Watchtower, Ideal for scouting out your opponents to make sure they stay well away from the Factory.

Get these two now for just £12.

Did someone say rules?

As you saw earlier, I did mention that for Dropzone Commander these kits each have their own rules.

What I said earlier about using the Compound Chakwas for cover makes a lot of sense now. The rules for the Compound Chakwas along with the others are all available now on the webstore under Dropzone Commander Resources.

Head on over to the TTCombat webstore as each of these kits are now available to purchase!

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