New Release Siege!

Brace the walls and cover, there’s a siege on its way today!

It’s a new release Friday, and you can already feel the rumbling of the tanks driving in. Or maybe that’s the rumble of the laser cutters doing their job? Either way: more goodies for us!

Today we’re releasing four brand new World War kits. We’ve seen the biggest of them in Teaser Tuesday, so let’s dive in and see what’s on offer.

Pavlov’s House

The famous Pavlov’s House comes in three different kits (its too big for one!). This main building has four floors, and three of which have balconies. So you can step out and breathe in the dust and smoke from the war outside. Yum.

Each of the floors is removable, which means you can get right in there with some close quarters fighting, or barricade it up for an excellent shooting spot.

This intact section of Pavlov’s House is £28.

If you prefer your houses a little more ruined, how about the aptly named Pavlov’s House (Ruined)?

This kit follows our growing range of multi-part kits that can make a single (slightly destroyed) house, or pulled apart to spread out your scenery. All for the same cost! You don’t need to decide which to build, you can simply slot these two ends of Pavlov’s House together for one game, and put them separately for the next!

And they’re even a little cheaper than the intact version (since there’s basically a whole wall missing), coming in at £24.

Our final variation on a theme is for those of you who really like their buildings as smashed to bits as possible. The Pavlov’s House (End) section recreates the very end of the house (or at least where the end is now after being bombed out).

As with the Ruined version, this one has full access to the interior. For people who don’t want to remove floors in the middle of the game to get inside, try this end section: all the floors have been designed to be easily accessible. And there are plenty of fallen floors for your soldiers to climb to the top!

This last section is available now for £18.

Stalingrad Fountain

Our final new release these week is a little add-on set that can actually span quite a large area of your battlefield!

The Stalingrad Fountain contains the eponymous fountain itself (complete with a very soviet style display of people holding hands in togetherness), along with four fence sections (partially ruined of course), four streetlights, and a couple of bits of scatter terrain as well.

All this in one set for £10 – bargain!

All of these sets are in stock now on the TTCombat webstore, as well as that rather fetching Cobblestone Gaming Mat, so head over there now and see all the extra pictures we have to show!

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