Wip Aircon Wednesday

After a lovely bank holiday weekend it’s time to chill out with another work in progress to show off!

Long have we been asked about the fantastic aircon and ducts packs that used to be available for Dropzone Commander. Unfortunately they weren’t the easiest of things for us to cast and package (too many teeny tiny parts). But all that will soon change. No longer will your infantry need to get into heated combat within garrisons. At least not with these units about (just don’t touch the thermostat).

For ease and speed of casting, we’re smooshing a bunch of parts together to make larger sections of aircon units and ducts. They’re going to be in a few different sizes but should all look great on top of your buildings in games of Dropzone!

We didn’t think that after a century they would be in the same condition they were at the time of the scourge invasion. Almost all of these have some kind of detritus, or makeshift hideaway added, pretty useful if you need to quickly disappear from a Scourge patrol.

Some of these bits weren’t part of the original kits, like the single long vent sections and cross section. Having them vary in length means we can get some more interesting designs out of them.

Here’s the component objects for a couple of these, that’s not even splitting the original aircon parts down into the teeny tiny parts Dave modelled them out of (it’s a lot)! We’ve got a good mix of trashed and near pristine sections, though we can’t show all of them till they’re closer to release (got to keep some secrets safe from the Scourge).

Of course you’ll need some buildings for these to go on, while you’re waiting, why not take a look at the SFX range on our webstore!

2 Replies to “Wip Aircon Wednesday”

  1. They look fantastic, really nice pieces.
    If they were also made for 28mm gaming I would snap them up.

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