Reinforcements Are Preparing For Duty – WIP

We’re heading over to Fin’s painting desk for some Battlecruiser WIPs today.

Cast your minds back to last December where we teased some new additions to the Dropfleet universe (click here for a refresher), well, they’re almost here! The new Battlecruisers are getting their fleet colours before dropping into the universe.

Each faction is getting a new blister with 2 new Battlecruisers in each but this isn’t the article where I’ll delve into their rules and functions. Oh no, this is the one where you get to see some of the physical models, not just renders!

Our resident painter Finn has been very busy getting these ready for release. So much so I’ve had to (nicely) pry the brush away to get some photos for you! This wip is so fresh that the paint is still wet on some of these.

This PHR Battlecruiser only has one variant on show – there’s another one just out of shot. That one extends the profile of the ship back a long way, looking more like the Pollux, although it’s very different in-game.

Naturally these new battlecruisers cant enter service without receiving the fanciest of colour schemes. This Resistance Battlecruiser is getting the full Kalium treatment. That copper is certainly looking classy! It brings out the details on these models, which are a delight. Dave has done some excellent design work once again!

This UCM Battlecruiser is definitely different to the one we showed off before! So many antennas.

This Shaltari one is all sorts of weird and wonderful, like a razorback gliding through water. Certainly one to be wary of! There are a few different colours on show on this one, because Fin has been working with both resin and 3D prints. Smaller pieces like the guns (I’m told they’re called Hyperwave Cannons, whatever that is) get 3D printed in multiples. So any spares go straight to the painting desk avoiding waste!

Of course there are more but I cant just show everything otherwise I’d be failing at my job. Nonetheless, lets just say these are going to be a great enhancement to the fleets when they drop very soon.

Before then however, we recently did a big drop of restocks over at the TTCombat store. If your fleet is in need, be sure to check out the webstore.

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