Motivational Monday – Ruins

Hello folks, we are once again back with another Monday Motivation.

This week we will be featuring some fantastic MDF Ruins from our SCI-FI Gothic range, painted by the very talented James Pickering.

First things first, I want to say how I would love to play on this board. One of the main attributes I love about this board is the main amount of scenery, it’s dense enough that your units can move freely around without being to clumped up, but there’s so many line of sight blocking mechanics built into the terrain that you will be to play so strategic to gain the upper hand.

Another feature, I’m really enjoying is the contrast in colours, James has done some textured stone ruins alongside the bright green foliage, with hints of red and blue in the windows of the ruins. All of these colours help bring the board to life as well as make it incredibly eye catching and  inviting to play on.

Lastly a really noticeable feature is the transition between the gaming mat and the terrain, the textured flooring makes it looks really realistic and helps with the overall immersion of the entire board.

If you would like to get your hands on some SCI-FI Gothic terrain and create your own ruined board you can check it out here.

What a fantastic job James has done, we really do love seeing what you guys do with our products. If you would like to be featured in a future monday motivation. Then please send in your images to

Hope you all have a good week everyone!

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