New Sector 2!

It’s a Sector 2 sort of week here at TTHQ!

A little while back we took a look at our Industrial Hive range and came to a shocking conclusion: Sector 1 and Sector 2 are kind of the same thing?

So in 2020 we took everything away and combined the two to make a brand new Sector 1! With big, industrial looking platforms and walkways, Sector 1 is a great way to fill out a board with multiple levels and open areas.

But what if you want something a little more solid? What if you’re pining for the old school style of Popular Miniatures Game Company? Well, Sector 2 has been completely redesigned to celebrate the style of yesteryear. Your games of Deadromova are about to get a bunch of classic nostalgia!

Sector 2 – Slum Complex

First of all, we have the massive and sprawling Slum Complex.

This huge kit has so many possibilities! You can see from the style that you’re getting a bunch of line of sight blocking pieces, all connected by a maze of walkways, ladders, and stairs. There are loads of railings as well, to provide a bit of cover.

The Slum Complex is held together by the familiar Industrial Hive clips, allowing you to attach pretty much anything to anything else. And all of those walkways are held up by some vertical frames which will look quite familiar to those classic players!

What’s more, all of these boxes are stackable! You can make a single giant tower if you like, or split them up however you want. That means it’s a super modular kit, and no two builds need be the same!

Of course, with all this modularity, it takes a little while to make, and is an Intermediate kit, which you can tell from the icon (for more on the construction icons, see the instructions page). All that modularity is worth it though, and it’s a bargain at £28 for so much terrain!

Sector 2 – Slum Warren

Next up is the Sector 2 – Slum Warren. This is another maze of interconnected structures making up a fantastic new complex. This time though, it’s not squares, it’s triangles!

In a marvel of MDF design, we have a bunch of triangular buildings, and again – all of them are completely stackable! You get 8 triangle platforms, so you have so many options for building. They have plenty of give to them as well, so you can store them separately, and decide on your board build when you setup for your game. Different each time!

Two of the triangle platforms have stairs built in, and between that, the vertical frames with ladders, and angled walkways, you’ll be more vertical than ever.

This set is also available right now for £28.

Sector 2 – Slum Shanties

“TTCombat, you’ve shown us a set with squares and a set with triangles, but what if I want triangles and squares together?”

Well, this set is for you! The Slum Shanties is a real masterwork of design. Half of the buildings in this set have square bases and triangle tops, and the other half have triangle bases and square tops. So you can stack not only these in various ways, but it means both your Complex and Warren kits will get SO much more modularity!

Of course, these also have a bunch of walkways, stairs, and clips to connect to the rest of the Industrial Hive range. If you want even more options for building your board, the Slum Shanties are a must add for anyone buying into Sector 2.

And what’s more, this set is only £16!

Sector 2 – Slum Blocks

Finally we have Sector 2 – Slum Blocks. This is a smaller add-on set, designed to give you more blocks to work with when putting your board together.

These little blocks are different to the rest of the sets in that they don’t have walkways attached. That means you can use them on their own as little shanty buildings (they work great for scattering around your board), but also they can be stacked on top of each other – or any of the other square blocks above – to produce tall towers. They allow you to “skip” floors between levels, which can make moving around the board more tactical than ever!

This little set is available now for £10.

So that’s all our releases this week (yeah “all” our releases – there’s loads there!). I wanted to show some extra ways to build these big complexes – there’s even more we haven’t shown! Those two tall towers are really cool.

In fact, I’m going to have a play with these kits in the office and try to all four of them together, see what I can make.

If Sector 2 is tickling your nostalgia glands, or you just fancy some run-down style industrial kits for your board, check them out over on the TTCombat webstore today! Everything above is available for pre-order right now, so head over there and take a look.

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