Advent Calendar 17

That Amazonian looks mad, better just open that door up gently…

RUMBLEDAY 17! Welcome to the ring! I mean calendar.

Let’s just get started, shall we?

Today in RUMBLESLAM news we’re announcing TLC!

No, but seriously this time.

Keen Rumblefans will remember that we teased TLC waaaay back in the first TTC advent calendar. Since then we just got busy ok? We meant to call, seriously, but our phones ran out of battery. We’ve just got a lot going on right now.

No, but really we had a lot of things to get sorted, one of which was a new edition of RUMBLESLAM! Now that’s out (and free to download too), it’s time to get back to some expansions!

So what is Tables, Ladders, Chests?

Well, the clue is in the name.

There are tables, and ladders. Oh and chairs too.

And there are chests!

This new expansion adds some real weird rules into the mix, which will have wide-reaching uses.

The biggest addition is having objects in the ring with different heights. This hardcore mode allows you to turnbuckle off very tall objects, adding extra damage to your attacks. Also, having something in the middle of the ring means even more aerial attacks. Most of our test games have seen 1st activation turnbuckle attacks become the norm!

But that’s not all, TLC’s hardcore mode also includes rules for grabbing dosh!

These rules put a new spin on your games, giving different victory conditions. While yes, there is a briefcase, a RUMBLESLAM match isn’t that straight forward. You might get an easy to carry pile of dosh, a heavy safe, chest, or even a mimic that’ll bite you and run away!

We’ve even made a podium for your wrestlers to climb. A couple of different heights, and it makes a great piece for photographs as well!

Now, we’re still in development stages, so some of these models will see a few changes before release. We’re about 90% of the way there with the rules for TLC at the moment, and in the next few weeks we’ll be sending out the beta rules to our TTAgents to have a look at. They’re tricky rules, and we want to get them just right!

But we should have more about this new expansion pack at the start of 2021.

In the meantime, how about some cool cover art for your desktop wallpaper? Just click the picture and download!

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