Advent Calendar 15

What’s behind today’s scenics door?

Tuesday is Tabletop Scenics day on the TTCombat advent calendar, so let’s fire up the lasers and cut open that sturdy MDF doorframe.

It’s a double-whammy in today’s advent calendar: new Sci-Fi X buildings, which means new Dropzone terrain!

Scott has been busy designing a whole new sub-range for Sci-Fi X. It’s like SFX meets Industrial Hive!

These kits are made to represent a more industrial style landscape than Dropzone players might be used to. There are loads of walkways and dangerous looking machinery.

With all those weird looking things, we’re also going to be embarking on a new endeavour in 2021: rules!

We’ll be releasing stat sheets alongside a lot of these new kits, giving you suggestions about how to play them in your games.

Compound Alenko is the one in the advent calendar window by the way!

These stat sheets will of course be completely free to download. They’re just suggestions though, often giving some unique rules to incorporate into your games of Dropzone Commander. We’d probably not recommend using the unique rules for an entire board like the one above – that’s a lot to remember!

Oh and the pictures above don’t even have all of the new kits Scott has designed…

And even that isn’t all of them! There’s loads of new Sci-Fi X terrain to come in 2021.


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