WIP Wednesday – Sector 3

Back to the Industrial Hive for today’s preview!

After the re-release of Sector 1 last week (did you see that? Check it out, there are great new kits!) we’ve had a few people asking when we’re going to be doing the rest of the range.

Well, good news everyone! We’re getting through the rest of the kits, and soon we’ll have new Sector 3 sets coming to you. Neil has been making some tweaks and changes, and let us have a quick look.

This new set combines some of the older style kits (you’ll recognise the sphere at the back) with some brand new pieces to fill out your Sector 3 without breaking the bank.

It’s still a Work in Progress (Wednesday) so there may be a few changes before release, but look for this new set relatively soon! Until then, there are plenty of Industrial Hive kits in the full range, have a look here!

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