Monday Rumble-vation

This week’s Monday motivation is brought to you by Kaiser’s Palace! As you can see by the image every one of them is a winner.

We received this great email from David Mudiman showing off his nicely painted minis mid bout and it looks like one heck of a scrap.

The Ring has turned out great too with a nice use of the Kaiser’s branding stencil accessory.

… little added bonus in here, pretty sure I can see a TTCombat Cyber Obelisk taking part in a game of legion in the background …

Thanks again to David for sending these in. If you’re looking to get into RUMBLESLAM, the best place to start is with the 2-Player starter box and it looks like David has picked up some superstars as well to bolster his ranks.

If you have a project you are proud of and what us to show it off on a future Monday Motivation. Please email in to 

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