Teaser Tuesday – Tiny Town!

Half-sized buildings are afoot this week!

Today’s Teaser Tuesday is shrinking a little! From giant space ships last week, we’re cutting everything in half this week as we have a look at some new halfling scenery for our Fantasy Realms range!

Originally released during the Halflings & Fantasy Friends Kickstarter campaign last year, we’re putting them out for sale for everyone that missed out.

The Halfling Hamlet is our first tease today, containing four teeny tiny Halfling houses. They’re covered in little wooden details including exposed beams and round doors and windows.

These kits are excellent on their own, but we think you could make them even better by modelling them poking out of some small hills!

The Halfling Bridges kit is also on its way. This set contains two bridges long enough to ford any stream or river, and wide enough to fit a whole regiment across.

We’ve got two more kits coming as well on Friday, but you’ll have to wait until then to see what they are!

If you missed out on the Halfling Kickstarter and want to get your hands on some, they’re currently available through Warlord Games for Warlords of Erehwon! Click here to have a look.

Or if undead mummies, desert elves, and sand Halflings are more your thing, the Desert of the Dead late pledge manager is open now!

Otherwise, make sure to pop back on Friday for all four new releases. See you then!

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