Teaser Tuesday – Viva la Resistance!

The Resistance are flying in!

We have a Dropfleet Commander release this week. Friday sees the first couple of resin ships from the Resistance fleet!

This brand new faction was launched earlier this year with Battle For Earth, with the ridiculously modular Resistance Starter Fleet.

This set is all plastic, and able to build literal billions of combinations of ship!

This Friday we’re starting to roll out some reinforcements. We’ve got two kits coming out for pre-order this week, although we’re only going to tease one of them today!

The Resistance Corvettes are coming this week, in all their retro glory!

The Munifex class Corvette is a favourite in the office – we think it’s even cool enough to trump the home-made Corvettes we’ve been seeing crop up online! 😉

Armed with NCA-1 Missiles that get better the more you shoot at an enemy, this fast little ship marks the doom for lightly armoured Frigates and Strike Carriers.

This set is out for pre-order on Friday, and if you’re jonesing for the rules, you can find them already in Battle for Earth! Stop by on Friday to find out what the other mystery ship is (alright, it’s not much of a mystery, considering there are three classes in BFE waiting for release).

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