Monday Pungari Motivation.

It’s Monday which means it’s time for some Motivation. This weeks Monday Motivation comes from Aleš Gregorek who sent us in a Pungari Thresher, one of this years Event Exclusives.

We really liked this scheme. We always had the idea of the Thresher looking almost cartoony as the dimunitive Pungari splashed colours all over it, and that’s exactly how this looks.  It’s so different from everything else in Dropfleet while not looking scrapyard like the Vega Scrapfleet. Great job Aleš.

If this has sparked an interest in Dropfleet Commander, then take a look at our webstore.

Reemmber, if you have a project you are really proud of an dwould love to see it featured on a Monday Motivation in the future, send the pictures into


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