Atteeeen-shun! Monday Motivaaaa-shun!

Alright you horrible lot! Stand at attention and GET MOTIVATED!

We’ve got some sterling, stand-up representatives of Venice to show off today!

Sent in by Chris, they are perfect examples of what you should be aspiring to, you miserable recruits!

Painted in pristine black and blue, the colour you’ll be if you don’t STAND IN LINE, RECRUIT!

Umm, I’ll take it from here. That Commander of the Guard is pretty scary.

All of the officers in the TTCombat office are extremely impressed with these City Guard, well done Chris! Now, just get that scenery painted! 😉

If you’d like to start your own collection of City Guard, there’s no better place than here!

And if you have your own miniatures painted and ready for battle, don’t hesitate to send them in! Or we may just send the Commander of the Guard round to have a word!

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