New Releases: LGT Terrain

It’s New Release Friday again! (TGINRF am I right?)

We’re back once again, with some brand new releases! We touched on this earlier this week on Teaser Tuesday, but let’s have a closer look!

The big news this week is that all the terrain available today was specially designed for the London Grand Tournament. These kits are made specifically for tournament play, and will be the exact terrain you’ll be playing over at the LGT.

The Municipium Sector Fan Platform is designed to be difficult terrain, and although it’s a little difficult, it’s been designed so plenty of miniatures can fit on it without being too unbalanced. There’s nothing worse than your beautifully painted minis falling over mid-tournament, particularly before the best painted prizes are dished out!

Next up is the Municipium Sector Industrial Scaffold. Originally briefed as three-tiered hill, we think this kit is a work of (blocky) art. The three levels are separate pieces, designed to be put together however you like. You could even use them as three smaller pieces of terrain – the perfect height for blocking infantry’s line of sight. With that in mind, my GCSE in maths says you can make over 2000 different variations of this kit! That’s a lot of practice games!

The Municipium Sector Large Corner Ruin certainly is large! At 22cm on all sides, this massive cube is excellent for blocking line of sight, offering up three storeys for your troops to stand on. With a double thick wall, these buildings are designed to last through the rigours of constant gaming!

The Municipium Sector Small Corners are exactly what you’d expect! Small corners offering limited cover for larger squads. With two unique designs, these two were designed by the LGT team to be as squared off as possible in order to have no debate over cover or line of sight. We just fancied them up a little! 😉

If you’d like to pick up all the new kits in one go, the Municipium Sector Half Bundle is what you need! With one of each kit, this set offers a tidy little discount to buying them individually. Whether you’re playing in the LGT or just want to pick up a lot of great terrain to fill up your table, this is the kit you want!

Unless you want more? Okay!

The Municipium Sector Board Bundle is two of the other one! Two of everything (four of the small corners I guess)!

This is the exact terrain that you’ll find at the LGT this year, so if you want to get your practice games in on a board that is identical, this is the set for you.

Pick up your LGT terrain today and get practising! Or, you know, just get a bunch of great terrain for your gaming group.

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