W.I.P. Black Friday

Look in here for one of our new Black Friday miniatures coming up for release!!

Fin has been hurriedly painting our new Black Friday miniature for this year.

His name is Ryan Gothling and he is a Halfling vampire hunter. Ryan likes to carry around bulbs of garlic for vampire hunting uses or a quick snack.

In my opinion Ryan looks like he took to vampire hunting because his parents wouldn’t stay out of his room and let him listen to My Chemical Romance.

There’s a few more finishing touches to do on this little guy, like a spot of nail varnish for example, then he will move on to being based.

If Ryan takes your fancy, you will be able to find him on our web store on Black Friday through Cyber Monday.

There will be more info on how you can pick up our new miniatures coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

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