New Lighter Releases!

Zipping into the webstore today!

It’s new release time, and the Dropfleet Lighters are taking centre stage this week.

We’ve spent all week looking at their design and their rules, and now they’re ready for you to pick up!

UCM Lysander Stealth Lighter

The OG that started it all off, the UCM Lysander is finally here, realised in lovely resin for you.

The stealthiest of stealth ships (maybe even stealthier than Scourge), the Lysander is an all-rounder, able to get in quickly and without detection, shoot up a little bit of interference with its Close Action weapons, and launch Dropships. It can also scan clusters like a much larger battlegroup – surveillance is what it’s good at!

You get 6 in a pack and they’re available now for £20.

Scourge Hiruko Boarding Cutter

If you like weird leeches and getting caught onto the side of enemy space ships, this one is for you!

The Hiruko does one thing, and it does it well: ramming. If you want to shout “RAMMING SPEED” at your opponent, then invest in some Hiruko! This little ship blasts enemies from close range and counts as double its Hull value when ramming, opening up the side of the enemy ship and expelling its Scourge fighters into the ship, causing it to take more damage as they rampage through!

The Hiruko also comes in a pack of 6 for £20.

PHR Harpocrates Guerrilla Lighter

This devious ship is the embodiment of David and Goliath.

Able to do no damage at all, the Harpocrates is nonetheless surely going to become a staple in PHR players’ fleets. Armed with EM tech, this little thing can completely shut down an enemy ship for a turn, forcing them onto Silent Running. PHR opponents: target priority number one.

6 Harpocrates Guerilla Lighters (that’s got to be the hardest name to type repeatedly, thanks Dave) are available now for £20.

Shaltari Helium Voidflyer

Speaking of deviousness, how about a Shaltari ship that is more Shaltari than any Shaltari ship?

The Helium Voidflyer can be pretty devastating if applied to the right place. Indicative of the Shaltari way of war, it’s all about a little pressure on a vulnerable part. And the Helium is excellent at getting to those vulnerable parts, thanks to its ability to teleport down a Voidgate network and appear across the board in an instant.

The perfect ship for protecting your Voidgates, 6 Helium Voidflyers are £20.

Resistance Seneca Detonator

Save the biggest for last, and this thicc ship is definitely biggest!

The Seneca Detonator is what you use if you want to be absolutely sure to blow up everything within range. Covered with individual remote-controlled cargo pods filled with explosives, the Seneca adds loads of Fire Ships to your arsenal. Oh and if it’s destroyed it makes a really big explosion too! That could be good or bad depending on how aggressively you use it!

The Seneca Detonator is available now for – you guessed it – £20 for 6!


All of our Lighters are now on pre-order, to be shipped out next Friday. If you’re looking to expand your fleet in new and interesting ways, look no further! They come in groups of 1-3, meaning £20 will get you a decent addition to your fleet, and leave you with plenty of money spare for whatever other massive miniatures releases you might be ordering this weekend. 😉

As always, you can find the full rules for the Lighters on the Dropfleet Fleet Builder. Although we know you like the fancy stat sheets with all the extra background lore, so we’ve made those available in the Resources section of the webstore too. As always, rules are subject to change, so pick up some Lighters, get some games in, and let us know what you think.

So what are you waiting for? Head over and pre-order your Lighters now!

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