Monday TronPHR Motivation

It’s a new week. Let’s get some motivation. This week’s Monday Motivation is an awesome Tron themed PHR army by Sebastian Koberstein.

This is an awesome scheme, and Sebastian has spent some time getting some Tron style backgrounds to really show it off! When we saw this on the Dropzone Community page we just had to get him to send us some pictures!

Nice work Sebastian. I’m sure they look amazing on the tabletop!

If this has motivated you to try Dropzone Commander, take a look at our range on our store:

And remember, if you have a project you are really proud of, please do send us some pictures to

Have a great week!


3 Replies to “Monday TronPHR Motivation”

  1. These look very nice. In the third picture from the bottom is a aircraft that I can not identify. Can anyone tell me what it is? The same craft appears in the fourth picture from the start of the article.

    1. Hi Gary! That’s the Aegaeon, which is currently a show exclusive miniature. All show exclusives are available in person at events we attend, and we also put them for sale on the webstore during those times for anyone unable to attend. We’ll let everyone know here on TTCommunity whenever they’re available.

  2. Thanks. I’m not sure where or when I got it but I know it wasn’t at a show. (I haven’t attended a show in over 13 years) I will have to research the stats and get mine assembled. I’m finally getting back into Dropzone Commander & Dropfleet Commander after backing the Dropfleet kickstarter and then never opening the boxes. Good to see TTCombat reinvigorating this game.

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