The London Grand Tournament is almost here!
That’s right the LGT is just around the corner.
TTCombat will be there in force, with loads of scenery and some cool toys! We’ll be running a Dropfleet Commander tournament on Saturday and a Dropzone Commander tournament on Sunday.
There are still tickets left for both, so book now!
We’re going to be giving away goody bags to all participants at the end of the tournament, in addition to the regular prizes.
But what’s in the goody bags? Man oh man, some good stuff!
For Dropfleet players we’ll be giving away one of the new Resistance Centurion kits! This one is straight from the master mould (pre-cleaning up), but it’ll be the first chance to get your hands on one. They’re only being put in these goody bags, and won’t be released to retail for a little while. Fancy!
Oh and before you ask, yes you’ll be able to make the alternate Gladiator too.
We’re also going to be giving away one of the exclusive Centurions (the OG) in each goody bag. These aren’t available anymore, so it’s a good chance to pick one up.
Dropzone players are in for a real treat in their goody bags too!
This little fella is the Wolf, a new Commander for the UCM. We teased the 3D print over at Gencon earlier this year. Fin is keen to tell you that he’s not finished with this one yet, but I think it looks great already!
We’ve also shown a blurry picture (new photographer, what can you do?) of the Scourge Despot, another new Commander.
We’ll be giving both of these away in the goody bags!
But what if you don’t collect UCM or Scourge? Well, worry not, because there are new Command units for all five factions, and we’re going to be giving each player one of each! Five new Commanders, way in advance of their retail release for any players that finish every game in the tournament.
Now, I feel like I should reiterate: these prizes will be given to every player in their relevant tournament for free. The only caveat is that you have to show up and have fun! 😉
If you fancy getting some new Commanders and/or some new Resistance fleet ships, make sure to sign up to the London Grand Tournament today!