TTCommunity Update

We’re taking a break.

Whilst this isn’t goodbye forever, this is a ‘see you later’ kind of update. Due to a variety of reasons, we’ll be taking a step back from TTCommunity. This means there won’t be any new articles or updates for the foreseeable future. So you are probably wondering the reasoning behind this decision. Whilst we thoroughly enjoy covering your creations on Monday Motivation, showing off sneak peeks on Teaser Tuesday and Work In Progress Wednesday before covering new products on New Release Friday, our team wants to focus more time on exciting future releases. Obviously, we have lots planned for our current line of products, and with new terrain and games in development like Striketeam Commander we want to ensure we continue to deliver the best possible products.

We will still be highly active across the TTCombat social channels and our IP’s Facebook pages so please ensure your following these for all the latest news.


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