Dropzone Commander 2022 Review

Its been a Behemoth-sized year in Dropzone Commander and to be honest, we’ve really enjoyed everyone’s reaction.

2022 saw a tremendous amount of new content arrive in everyone’s favourite 10mm wargame that makes you fall in love with the game’s lore. Dropzone Commander has grown a lot this year and we’re seeing more demos, game days and people sharing their amazing miniatures than ever before. Therefore we wanted to take a moment to cover some of our staffs top products for 2022.

PHR Chronus Behemoth

This year was the year of the Behemoth! Each faction received their very own titan of death which loves stomping around the battlefield and annihilating the enemy.  For a lot of us here at TTCombat, the PHR had a strong contender for the best looking miniature for this year. Supported by 5 mammoth legs, this Behemoth has been spotted on numerous battlefields and won’t be going anywhere.

Scourge Tyrant Behemoth

We couldn’t do a list of our favourite 2022 Dropzone minis without talking about the Scourge Behemoth. Thank to some unholy tendrils, the Tyrant was heavily customised by the community and we’ve seen lots of reheated limbs formed into new shapes. The Seeker Lashes proved deadly to enemy infantry whilst the Heavy Plasma Cannons offered ranged death.

UCM Combined Armour Battlegroup 

We started 2022 by releasing a new collection of Armoured Battlegrops for each faction to up the vehicular carnage. Whilst we did enjoy the Platoon Armour Battlegroup fighting for the Resistance and the Shaltari Swift Armour Battlegroup, we decided upon the UCM as our favourite. Containing all the compulsory vehicle choices, this box also contained Auxiliary units for support to. Offering great value to expand your Starter Army or grow your larger force was key with all Battlegroups.

Leviathan Heavy Hovercarrier

Finally after a much longer absence than we ever intended, the Leviathan Heavy Hovercarrier returned to battlefields. The epitome of heavy transports made a long awaited return to Dropzone and we love every bit of it. Capable of carrying up to 24 technicals is enough to transport half your army! Being deployed as a Thunderstorm Heavy Hovercraft traded out some transport space for overpowered Looter Plasma Cannons! We just wish we could have got it to everyone sooner.

Dropzone Commander Building Pack

Do we like helping the environment? Yes, and do we like any excuse to make something new for Dropzone Commander? Also yes. Therefore we spent some time this year developing our range of recycled terrain buildings. Taking waste resin from our manufacturing process, we managed to create some highly detailed buildings which work perfectly in game.

That’s it for today! If your a running an event or a store that stocks TTCombat products, make sure you reach out and we’ll feature you on our Social Media Channels. 

Finally, If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to info@ttcombat.com

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