Monday Motivation – Creepy Crawly Spider VS Halfling

A GIANT Demonic spider has made its way to TTCommunity to do battle with a simple Halfling we’ll call Sean. This epic battle was inspired by some big movie franchise, a book, or something like that.

Welcome to this week’s Monday Motivation and we have a lovely treat in store for fans of eight-legged creatures. Today’s article was made possible by the hard work of Moisha (_hellominimo_) who paints lots of TTCombat goodies so check her out!  Now, do you have arachnophobia? If the answer is yes then make sure you’ve got your big boy pants on before reading further. If you aren’t afraid of spiders would you like to be?

Sean Slays the Spider!

Hello, fans of walking across a continent to deliver a ring when flying would have been an easier option. Lurking in the deepest depths of dark and unexplored caves lies a demonic spider. Hulking in size and with a venomous power unrivaled on earth, would you take on this beast… Sean would.

Sean is the bravest Halfling in Craggybottom who took a wrong turn on his morning stroll. In all seriousness look at how amazing this is! Moisha has done a fantastic job creating this epic scene. Using a Sorcerer from the Traditional Halfling Adventurers has created a David vs Goliath battle. The scaling of the miniatures works really well and the MDF spider (sadly not TTCombat) is a great kit. She wanted to emphasize the venom and webs so used a combination of Hot Glue gun, Green Stuff, and Cotton.

Thanks for sharing this with us Moisha!

Don’t forget, if your a store of individual that runs tournaments or games using our products then we want to hear from you! We’ll even promote your activity on Sunday Spotlight and the TTCombat social channels.

If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to


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