WIP Wednesday – Whose Ready to Take a Good Pounding?

Are you ready to take a good pounding? It’s no secret that RUMBLESLAM has some unique miniatures and with today’s work-in-progress reveal, you be delivering paint with some new wrestlers!

Welcome to this week’s WIP Wednesday and we’ve got 3 new wrestlers to reveal today! This trio will be making their way to Kaisers Palace in the future but for now, you can stare in awe at the deadly weapons of PAIN!


Awww just look at this little guy! He’s so cute and messy spilling all of that oil all over the ring. This little automaton is a friendly assistant to other robotic wrestlers and helps to keep their gears turning.


It’s no secret what weapon this automaton wields. Puncher Bag is done taking all the beatings from opposing wrestlers and has now put on some gloves as he steps into the RUMBLESLAM ring. Throwing punches at a much bigger wrestler, this chap is delivering all kinds of combos and sometimes forgets he’s got no legs to stand! Everyone best stand clear when those arms start swinging.


Legends say that when the noblest of wrestlers’ blood is spilled on a turnbuckle, it will spring to life! More likely a crazed dwarf thought it is funny to ruin some matches by having the Turnbuckles walk around the ring causing chaos. Either way, Turnbuckle-Up is causing all kinds of issues in RUMBLESLAM and wrestlers keep jumping off this automaton thinking they’ll get some kind of bonus… yeah right.

We’re excited to see how people use these wrestlers in the game but I can’t reveal any more information at this time.

That’s it for this week’s WIP Wednesday. If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, then send us some photos to info@ttcombat.com


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