RUMBLESLAM – Hobgoblin Page

Noble Knights and muscle-clad wrestlers both need their lackeys and none are more enthusiastic than the Hobgoblin Page!

Welcome to this week’s WIP Wednesday where we’ll be taking a look at a miniature first revealed in the Siege of the Smallfolk Kickstarter by The Troll Trader. The Knights of the Squared Circle are buff, strong, and noble but useless without Hobgoblins.

Whilst this team isn’t ready to receive a full reveal, we have had our in-house painter finish one of the smaller members of the gang. Please welcome to the RUMBLESLAM ring, HOBGOBLIN PAGE!

Hobgoblin Page:

He loves getting his hands dirty and thrusting through his tasks such as carrying Sir Flexer’s spare helmet around the ring. This wrestler is an obedient servant to his fellow wrestlers and will honour his Vows inside and outside of the ring. Don’t expect too much from this chap as this weight 1 fighter hates being the centre of attention and will take a bake seat to the Jack of All Hearts.

We’re so excited to see how people use this Wrestler in-game but I can’t reveal any more information at this time.

That’s it for this week’s WIP Wednesday. If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, then send us some photos to

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