Verminous Monday Motivation

Filthy Vermin everywhere! Welcome to this week’s Monday Motivation where we have an infestation of Rotten Rodents.

Filthy Vermin have been making moves in the RUMBLESLAM scene and now they’re invading this week’s article. Today’s MM has been made possible by the hard work of Chris McEwan and his latest painted miniatures.


Just look at these villains! Whoever said that Rats are cute or make ideal pets hasn’t met this Rotten bunch before! Rodentia Bubonica is a foul-hulking creature and Chris has done a great job painting this brute with the pus-filled spots looking extra revolting. Fortunately, the infectious disease has spread to the Sewer Rat! If you couldn’t already tell, I dislike these Rodents.

The Ralchemist is a Carnevale players dream! This rat would look at home in either game but in RUMBLESLAM, she is deadly. Chucking poison tokens all around the ring, you’d do best to avoid her. However, Chris has done a great job painting this miniature with her bombs looking particularly deadly. This isn’t the only deadly medical vermin painted.

Dr.Blight is the dirtiest of rats! Pumping subjects with mysterious and agonising liquid, this Rat is evil incarnate. Therefore you’d be advised to remove this wrestler from the ring as soon as possible. Perhaps we could arrange for Tin Khan to pay the good doctor a visit as only that noble Sultan of the Sands could stop Chris and his verminous regin of terror, unless he joined them…

Whilst not a rodent, we had to show off Chris’s Tin Khan and his sinister florescent eyes… Its like looking into the void of your own destruction! Tin Khan has fallen under Chris’s spell and joined his roster of wrestlers. Khan’s metal plating looks great and the small rusted sections between the plates is a nice touch.

If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to

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