Monday Motivation – “Long Live the King…”

Welcome to the last Monday Motivation of June 22 and this week there can only be one king of the ring!

There is a new king of the ring this week! We love our RUMBLESLAM family and are always excited to see the latest creations on offer. This weeks article is possible thanks to Matteo Dalla Pozza also known as MufasaDidNotDie and his Leo.

Leo is known for his ferocity in the ring and whist you must forgive him for not leaping for joy at RUMBLESLAM latest arrival, this feline will always be the king of the ring. Matteo has done a great job painting this miniature in a darker than usual tone. We love the black mane of hair and its sinister look in his eyes. Clearly Matteo is a fan of animated movies and the music of Elton John.

Since butchering his brother (Allegedly) this Leo continues to dominate the ring. This is certainly made easier thanks to his rippling muscles that Matteo has painted so vividly. The under glow is a great touch and gives the appearance of being lit from below.

Thanks for sharing this with us Matteo!

If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to


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