Something Big Is Getting Ready to Drop – WIP Wednesday

It’s WIP Wednesday, that time of the week where I tour the office to see what I can sneak away and show you! So, I think it is about time I showed you something new from Dropzone Commander.

Found on Fin’s painting desk we’ve got guns… big guns. So big they make Doom’s BFG look like the Cricket from MIB.

Only one thing can make use of these: Behemoths! Hopefully the paint bottles give you a sense of scale because did I mention they’re big?! Now imagine the rest of the model.


I’m not really sure what these guns do at the moment, but they’re certainly impressive.

They are going to make a huge impact to Dropzone both visually and in gameplay. How they work though is something you are going to have to wait a little longer to find out. How about the full models I hear you ask? Well they’re nothing short of impressive. You’ll see those soon!

For now though, the wait is almost over and more will be shown in due course. Be sure to keep an eye on TTCommunity for those updates.

In the meantime theres plenty of smaller Dropzone models available on the TTCombat store.

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