Monday Motivation – Abandonded Tower

Its Monday so of course we are going to be starting the week of a Monday Motivation!

For this week Monday Motivaiton we are exploring a crumbling tower! Perhaps Rapunzel had enough of waiting around and set the structure alight or maybe a mad scientists experiment back fired? The only person who knows that is Arron Barnett, the towers architect and the person we have to thank for todays article.

Based off the Savage Domain Crumbling Tower, we always love to see how people choose to paint and modify our products so seeing Aaron’s build on his Instagram we were impressed. Now we can’t be sure what happended to cause the damage but we’d place a bet on something explosive.  Just look at those scorch marks!

Aaron did a fantastic job assembling and also painting his finished tower. The blue roofing tiles look weather worn whilst the shift in highlights is a nice touch. However, our favorite part is again the scorched sections. The shift in colours around the damagd curve is brilliant and looks uneven as you’d expect when viewing a structure damaged by fire.

Finally we have the interior of the tower whose walls and floors definelty have seen better days. We think the painting has been carried out to a high tabletop quality with the fireplace in particular been very impressive. Additionally the pannelling affect applied to the circular walls looks great.

Thanks for sharing this with us Aaron! If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to

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