TEP Wednesday

Arriba Arriba Andale! Vamos a WIP Wednesday! Buenos tardes senhores e senhoritas… My bad, this scenery just got me feeling all south of the border and such.

Welcome back to WIP Wednesday and this week, in case you haven’t figured out, we got some spicy Mexican scenery to go with our Wild West Range. First up, we have this gorgeous little Mexican church.

Mexican Church

A place of worship you say? Nay, a place of refuge from the gunfire and banditos that roam the land. Designed for 32 mm gaming, this kit should be the next addition to your Wild West Table Top. After all, what’s a Tabletop campaign without Tequila? I digress, this church can provide tons of cover and some really fortuitous vantage points through the windows or on the roof. Besides, who in their right mind is going to shoot at a church?

Mexican Slum Prison

For those who do decide to shoot at the church we have the Slum Prison! Small? Fairly but this adds to the trorture these criminals will face. No 8 by 10 cell here. No, compact and uncomfortable these cells are designed to hold even the most vile of 32 mm characters. With a removable roof and cell separators, you may even be able to use your turn to imprison your opponent. Sometimes prison is worse than death on the table Top.

Some alterations

As these are works in progress some alterations have been made. Don’t worry if you can’t see them. Most of the changes are in how these lovely buildings go together. During the design process, sometimes things are overlooked which is why we always go back and see how we can make our scenery gorgeous as well as  functional.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to keep an eye on the TTCombat webstore so you don’t miss any of our new releases.

Adios amigos!

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