Teaser Tuesday – DFC Cutters & Freighter Graveyard!

On this weeks Teaser Tuesday we are going to be covering some Dropfleet Commander and Sci-Fi Gothic products coming soon!

Welcome to space where the Scourge can hear you scream! But try not to as you don’t want to be a new host for those neuro-parasistic parasites. Yes we’ve got some new releases coming out this Friday for our Dropfleet Commanders who feel its time to be a cut above the others. Cutters are coming!


The Scourge fleet has expanded even further with the latest innovation in fast, mobile ships. The Parasite and Wraith Cutters have been spotted reinforcing battlefleets across the system and the UCM can’t be sure were they came from. Certainly wasn’t there birth world right? We won’t go into to much detail but if you spot a Parasite in space then maybe keep your ships away from it.


The UCM are no slouches in combat, and in this situation that means strapping some massive engines onto their ships! The UCM Reykjavik Cutter is soaring into pre-order this Friday. Armed with a pair of massive mass drivers, it’s sure to make some enemies. Alternatively the kit can be built as the Nuuk, which trades destructive firepower for being really, really annoying. Isn’t that a Shaltari thing? Not anymore!


The PHR’s fleets are smaller than the Scourge however the quality of crew and equipment can’t be surpassed. Not wanting to be out gunned in galactic warfare, they have launched the Pegasus cutter! Deadly by itself, this vessel preys upon merchantmen before disappearing as if never there. How very piratical! This kit also builds the Ourania Swiftlink, which is used as spotter for PHR fleets.


The Resistance are never ones to be left behind (except maybe on repainting their ships, the scruffy admirals!). The Sagittarii Cutters pack a massive punch: half of the ship is engines, and the other half is guns! The Baleares variant swaps the guns for launch bays, providing a fast pocket carrier. They come in two pieces, with enough keels for you to mount the engines and prows vertically, horizontally, or a mixture of both!


Shaltari admirals are also in for some reinforcements with the Caesium and Gallium Cutters. The Caesium has a modified Disruptor which makes it excellent at hunting light enemy ships. The Gallium is a whole lot weirder though, using its Bio-Atomiser to kill ships from the inside out, killing all the crew, and letting the ship drift without them.

All these new Cutters are arriving speedily for pre-order on Friday, and we’ll be having a more in-depth look at their rules before then!

Now lets look at some MDF, with just two of the kits coming out this week

Freighter Graveyard – Slum Stacks

So you’ve worked hard for the corporate overlords and after finishing your 16 hour shift its time to head home to the Slum Stacks. Yes you lucky little duck, you have your very own container stacked somewhere in the slums. With fully playable interiors and exteriors! Why not use your neighbour’s roof as a platform to discard the bodies of your enemies? Or better yet just discard your neighbour and have an upstairs!

Freighter Graveyard – Goliath Container Wall

Stack them high, stack them low or stack them around your home to keep out genetically mutated undesirables. That’s right, shipping containers aren’t just reserved for living in. The Goliath container wall gives multiple placement options and even comes with ladders to ease traversal. Just remember parkour can be extremely dangerous so remember to push others off the top instead of yourself!

That’s it for teasers this week, be sure to check back on Friday to see the full release, where we’ll have even more MDF! In the meantime head over to the TTCombat webstore to access our full range of resin and MDF kits.

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