TTBromley Thursday – It’s beginning to look a lot like… Carnevale!

Preparations are in full swing here at TTBromley as our Carnevale events are fast approaching, and we shall be ready!

Our TTBromley gaming venue is expanding, and to allow us to run regular Carnevale events in the near future we require terrain. Quite a bit in fact.

All the MDF

Our first step was to decide which of our Streets of Venice terrain kits would make up a single gaming table. Then we multiplied the choosen kits by the number of tables. The final amount of MDF buildings that needed construction was approximately loads.

Efficiency is very important with a large project such as this. To that end, the majority of the kits are primed in their main colour prior to construction for quick and easy coverage. Besides, it also allows us to use several colours on the same kit.

The Colours of the Rainbow

We heavily utilised the large variety of colours available in the TTCombat Spray Primer range to get a head start in the painting process. Indeed, even windows and doors were coated separately before assembly in their own contrasting colours.

A Venice of Our Own

We have made steady progress over the past month and it is slowly coming together. Undoubtedly there plenty more to be done, but our little slice of Venice is taking form.

Organised Play

Naturally, our players need to be able to prepare their gangs for the upcoming conflicts. To that end we are currently working on an organised play pack to establish the rules of engagement. The rules pack will include six new scenarios created for variety and designed for 3′ x 3′ game boards and  100 ducat gangs. However, there was one part of the game where we wanted to add more player agency; Agendas.

With this relatively small change to the rules we hope that Agendas become a little less random. As a result, Agendas should become an important  part of your game plan and compliment, or even surpass, your main objective. Therefore giving you more control of your own destiny. Before the team heads back to constructing more terrain, let’s have a peek at one of the new scenarios.

Escape the Fog is back, now more lethal than ever. The wording is not final, but the intention is that the fog surrounds you from all sides. Concequently it slowly shrinks the available safe space. We recommend staying close to those lamps.

If you live in the southeast of England, or near London, and want to join in, please visit our event calendar on for more information and dates. However, if you can’t make it, maybe it is time to create your own Streets of Venice board using your own selection of buildings from our large range on

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