A Craggy Monday Motivation

Courtesy of Sean Mclaughlin, we’re taking a wee trip to craggy bottom this Monday Motivation.

Painted as a commission, Sean has really brought life into Craggy Bottom. Using the kits as a starting point, the extra scenic details that have been used really tie it all together.

Separating the Craggy Bottom kit into smaller sets, Sean has built these wonderful little scenes that tell their own stories. Yet can still combine into the much larger set.

I am very fond of the windmill, the paintwork and build up of texture is fantastic. Certainly looks like its been around for some time. Much like this watermill.

Again, Sean has taken the watermill kit and really given its some depth by building up layers of paint and adding extra material to give texture. He has done an incredible job at disguising the fact it started life as an MDF kit. Those walls are *chefs kiss*.

Thank you for sending these too us Sean, its some amazing work! We’re always keen to see what you are working on. If you have anything you would like to have featured, please email info@ttcombat.com with a few photos!

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