Monday Motivation: Relics

Happy Monday everyone! Are you having a great bank holiday weekend and if you don’t have a bank holiday today, have a great day anyway! We found some treasure motivation for you today. Come see!

Unfortunately while  we have no information regarding Relics we do still love to see what your have done and today we have some amazing paintwork to show you all.

Our post today features, the infamous Relics, painted by Benamon Tame and they are wonderful to look at. 

The amount of detail that is on these small miniatures is incredible. The smooth transition from dark to light on the tail really caught my eye and the steady hand that was needed to paint the shields and the flag.  I like the choice of colours. I looks almost steam punk with the cooper effect and I feel like the copper bring a warmth to the model, were as a silver would have made it look cold. Nice use of basing features too. Making the model come more alive!

Ben has done amazing job on these miniature! Top Banana!

If you have a hobby project that your really chuffed about then please send us your pictures to Have a hobbiful week everyone!

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