Vishgor, Fire Elementals, and Sand Wurms Oh my!

It is almost the weekend (yay!) but before we wish the week away, there are a few fantasy creatures that you should look at. So come see!

Our Fantasy Heroes range is not just the Halflings of Craggy Bottom or the Bears, Zombie Cockatrices, or others that we have seen already. There are other creatures that roam the world too. You may have seen some of these before: creatures from our Desert of the Dead Kickstarter!

We have three new units from the Desert of the Dead coming your way today: a whole mess of monsters in store now!

Vishgor Warriors

These vicious Vishgor are mean machines! With their snapping snouts and sharp teeth that would crush the tastiest pastries into crumbs in a matter of seconds. They are not the quickest on their feet, but they hit hard with a spiked club, and their tails will sure sweep you off your feet!

This pack contains 3 unique figures available now for £12.

Fire Elementals

What material do you think their house is made from? Do they avoid the rain?

Standing to close to a Fire Elemental is one way to quickly cook your stew. They will not like that though as they’re very hot headed. Fuelled by rage they will scorch the field, blackening anything in their path. Tip: make sure you have a bucket of water close by.

With 3 unique sculpts, these Fire Elementals are available now for £12.

Sand Wurms

*A puddle nearby ripples*

Are the giants coming? There it is again… The rumble deep below, the ground bulging and moving like a snake. Suddenly, a large mouth with fanged teeth chomps before you. Long writhing bodies silk out from the ground. Uh oh!

These Sand Wurms are useful to sneak around, the ideal enemy to surprise and challenge your foes.

Three unique Sand Wurms are available now for – you guessed it – £12!

Dropzone Commander Kalium

In addition to all those monstery goodies (or baddies – you choose), don’t forget that all of the Kalium pre-orders are released now!

Whether you’re after Jacksons or Technicals, Buses or Voidhawks, Kalium has it all! In a fancy military look and slick colour scheme too. Nice.

There’s also a great set of scatter terrain: the Shipping Containers. With loads of great pieces, you’ll be able to add a bit of interest to your Dropzone (or other 8-10mm scale wargames) in a flash. A quick paint job and they’re ready to go!

So, what do you like? Snapping creatures, chomping creatures or creatures that will cook you like a marshmallow? Check out more details and the rest of our fantasy range at the TTCombat webstore! Also, all the Resistance products that there where pre-order are now available so go check those out too!

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