Less Teaser or MOR Teaser?

We’re going big this week with a new Carnevale and Sci-Fi Gothic teaser!

Teaser Tuesday is when we look at all things TTCombat that are arriving in the webstore in the coming week. This week we’ve got a double bill: fish monsters in Venice and space elves in space!


This week’s Carnevale release is a big one, and one of the most requested miniatures since the Kickstarter campaign.

That’s right, it’s time for the Morgraur!

This colossal beast is the biggest monster in Carnevale, and its regular release model is finally hitting the shelves!

The Morgraur is a unique model in Carnevale (why would you need two of them?!) and is basically an entire gang on its own. Coming in at a Ducat cost equal to most Starter Gangs, this beast can go toe-to-toe with the scariest characters in the game… and eat them whole!

Able to squeeze through tight gaps in streets before emerging in full and decimating enemy gangs in one go, the Morgraur truly is the scariest model in the game. And if you’re a Rashaar player, you can order your own on Friday!

We’ll also have some reinforcement blister packs on the store on Friday, so check back then to hear more about those as well.

Sci-Fi Gothic

This Friday also sees the launch of the latest batch of Sci-Fi Gothic terrain. We had some incredible new ruin kits a few weeks back, but this Friday we’re turning our attention owards to the stars.

The Space Elf range is having its first expansion in… I don’t know how many years. Mere moments by Space Elf standards!

This week we’re getting all sorts of fancy new sets, including tall pylons like those above. Made from some kind of living bone, they grow and form elegant shapes (although we make ours from MDF).

There will also be some more habitable pieces of scenery like this tower. Elegant beyond measure, the circular design shows just how alien these kits really are. They’re covered in sleek shapes with minimal detail to highlight the serene nature of Space Elves (when they’re not gunning you down).

These generators are the last of what we’re showing off today, but there’s even more headed your way on Friday! Sets like this that help to add some more mysterious small detailing to your boards, and also some much larger ones that are perfect for garrisoning.

All of these new sets will be in-store this Friday, and we’ll have all the details right here on TTCommunity first, so stop back then and get all the info you need.

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